Head to the sink not the store

By Joseph K. Stuart, DWA's Board President  –  The other day at the market I saw lots of empty shelves.  I had heard about our local stores running low on hand sanitizers and toilet paper.  However, I did not expect that bottled water was a...

Shoppers Don’t Need to Stockpile Bottled Water

Many local stores are experiencing high volume purchases of hand sanitizer, toilet paper and bottled water. Desert Water Agency is alerting the community to the fact that tap water is a safe, reliable and less expensive alternative to purchasing bottled water. Tap...

Road work on Indian Canyon Drive at Tahquitz

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan 29), from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Desert Water Agency will pave over the new water line for the Agua Caliente's new Cultural Center on Indian Canyon Drive at Tahquitz Canyon Way.  One northbound lane should remain open throughout the...

Water line work on Agua Caliente’s Cultural Center starts today

Desert Water Agency crews are installing a water service line at the request of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians for its new Cultural Center at Indian Canyon and Andreas Road in Palm Springs. The project was originally scheduled to occur before the Indian...

Soak up water education

If you’ve ever been curious about water in the desert, then Water Counts Academy may be for you. In its fourth year, the academy returns to UCR-Palm Desert in February with classes from 5:30-7:30 p.m.each Tuesday. The comprehensive course is led by experts on water...