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Are you prepared for a disaster? We are located near the very active San Andreas fault and haven’t had a sizable earthquake in quite some time.

A major quake could shut off access to water and other necessities for days. Every home should have a disaster supply kit that would allow you to survive on your own for at least a week.

Items to included in a kit:

  • flashlight and extra batteries
  • dust mask
  • first-aid kit
  • extra clothing and blankets
  • tools
  • battery powered or hand-cranked radio
  • medicines
  • non-perishable food
  • supplies for your pet
  • plenty of water

Plan for 1 gallon of water per person – and pet – per day for anywhere from 3 to 14 days. You will need the water for drinking, plus extra for food prep and hygiene. Given the desert heat, having extra water on hand is a good idea.

For more tips on disaster preparedness, go to