The groundwater beneath our feet makes up about 99 percent of the Coachella Valley’s domestic water supply. This benefits all valley residents, including Desert Water Agency customers. At DWA, our team works diligently to protect this important resource, today and for the future.
National Groundwater Awareness Week is March 10-16, 2024. This provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of this water and how it is vital to maintaining a dependable supply for the people who live, work and play in the Coachella Valley.
DWA was formed in 1961 as a groundwater management agency to ensure adequate water for the western part of the valley. Our role has expanded to include tap water service to approximately 73,000 people and we remain dedicated to responsible groundwater management as a core part of our purpose.
To support basin health, DWA imports water to replenish groundwater used. The Agency has rights to water from the State Water Project, which originates from snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Because we don’t have a pipeline or aqueduct to bring this water to the valley, we trade it with Metropolitan Water District for Colorado River water. This water is then used to refill local groundwater basins.
Recharge helps restore basin levels and support long-term sustainability, but conservation is also critical. That’s why DWA works with customers on ways to save water. The more we conserve, the healthier our water supply will be for generations to come.
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To learn more about National Groundwater Awareness Week, go here.