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Desert Water Agency encourages customers to skip overseeding their lawns this fall! By going gold, you can:

  • Save money! Seed and labor costs are expensive.
  • Conserve water! Overseeding is water intensive. Going gold is the sustainable choice.
  • Improve air quality! Less mowing or scalping means less dust and particles in the air.
  • Maintain healthy grass! Overseeding can stress your lawn, causing it not to look as nice next season.

Customers who go gold can get a free We Went Gold sign to let neighbors know you decided to save water! Email us at to request your free sign or have your HOA added to our We Went Gold list.

Tired of keeping up with your grass? Consider updating your landscaping with desert-friendly landscaping. DWA offers a turf removal rebate of $2 per square foot for customers. An additional $1 per square foot is available for residents of Palm Springs, for a total of $3 per square foot.

Cathedral City also has a turf conversion program, which can be found at

For more information on overseeding, go to For details on incentives, including grass removal, go to