At its June 20 meeting, DWA's Board of Directors (made up of elected community members) will be reviewing the rate increase planned for July 1, 2017. The Board will also review the 2017-2018 budget and new late fee and shutoff policies. Join us at this meeting or share your input with us ahead of time.
Rates – the rate plan through 2020 was approved in December of 2016 with increases January 2017 and each following July through 2020. This meeting will give the Board an opportunity to review the need for the next increase and allow for public comment.
Budget – the agency's budget determines important things like how many miles of pipeline can be replaced and what conservation funding will be available for customers. The public is encouraged to share their priorities with their representatives on the Board.
Late fees & shutoff policy – DWA has never charged customers who are past due. Customers were simply shut off after three months of nonpayment. The new policy that the Board will consider would charge customers who are more than 7 days past their due date a $25 fee. Customers would be shut off after two consecutive unpaid bills.