CV Water Counts – a collaborative of the six water agencies in the desert including DWA – is hosting a Master Gardener webinar at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 12.
The topic is “Integrating Native Plants into Your Home Landscape.”
Brad Hardison, a Master Gardener with Riverside County will deliver the presentation. He will discuss the benefits of using native plants and show folks how he has incorporated them into his own home in Palm Desert.
Among the many benefits, native plants require less water than non-native plants because they are adapted to our hot, dry climate. With about 70 percent of water in the desert being used outdoors – integrating native plants into your yard is a great way to be water wise.
Native plants also require less maintenance once they are established and attract native birds, bees and other wildlife.
Go to to register for the webinar. Or go here to join the webinar:
The mission of CV Water Counts is to help educate and provide water conservation resources for the Coachella Valley community.
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