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Conservation Kits

Desert Water Agency is offering a free conservation kit program, where DWA customers can receive resources to help them save water. The conservation kits include easy-to-use tools to help residents become more water efficient inside and outside their homes. Each kit includes:

  • Water-saving 7-spray garden hose nozzle
  • Dual-spray swivel kitchen faucet aerator
  • Toilet leak-detection dye tablets
  • Moisture meter for your indoor plants
  • Bubble-spray faucet aerator
  • Instructions on how to install and use the items

The conservation kits are free for DWA customers and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Limit one per household. To request a conservation kit, email or call 760-323-4971, ext. 184 or 272.

DWA also offers indoor and outdoor water-saving rebates on toilets, washing machines, smart irrigation controllers, sprinkler nozzles/irrigation heads and grass/turf removal. Learn more at

Desert Water Agency does not guarantee the quality, workmanship, or defect-free condition of any aerator, toilet leak detection tablet, hose nozzle, or moisture meter. The Agency is also not responsible for their suitability for installation or use. By accepting a kit, customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Desert Water Agency, its directors, officers, and employees from any loss, damage, expense, or liability arising from personal injury, property damage, or other claims related to the installation or use of these items.