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Desert Landscaping

Desertscape (or xeriscape) uses efficient irrigation and low-water-use plants. It means less maintenance, lower water bills, and property value enhancement. Desert landscaping has become a popular way for people to cut outdoor water use by as much as 50%. You can also view a local guide full of desert plants.

DWA Before and After Photos

Desert Water Agency broke ground in July 2007 on the re-landscaping of our Operation Center.

The project involved removing the traditional, water-consuming landscaping to replace it with desert native plants.

Traditional outdoor landscaping accounts for about 70-80 percent of water use in our valley. By converting to desert landscaping, DWA has been able to save more than 50 percent of the water needed to irrigate our Operations Center.

The garden is also used for education. DWA invites members of the public to walk the sidewalk that meanders through the garden to learn more about what could work for them in their yards. All of the plants are identified by signage.

Irrigation for the garden features drip and subsurface irrigation and uses recycled water from our Reclamation Plant. The water feature also uses recycled water.

Near the building’s entryway is an area of artificial turf lawn.