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California is at risk for many types of emergencies, from wildfires and floods to earthquakes and dust storms. September was National Preparedness Month, serving as a reminder to create or update your emergency plan. Remember to include kids, seniors and pets.

Every household should have a disaster supply kit that includes essential items like a flashlight, batteries, first-aid kit, non-perishable food, and plenty of water.

While DWA works closely with other agencies to protect our community’s water supply, it is critical to have your own stash of emergency drinking water at home because disasters, especially earthquakes, could disrupt access to water for days. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Red Cross recommend having a two-week’s worth of water stored for each person and pet in your household (one gallon per person/pet, per day).

DWA employees are trained emergency responders, ready to jump into action after an earthquake or any disaster to ensure continued access to safe water. Nearly all our reservoirs are seismically retrofitted, helping maintain a water supply in the event of an emergency. However, the system can still be affected, reducing or even preventing access to water.

Being prepared for emergencies is critical to the health and safety of your family. Find more tips and resources to create a personalized plan at Sign up for local emergency alerts at